Tag Archives: bespoke kitchen painter

Hand Painted Kitchen Hale.

Here is a hand painted kitchen in Hale, Cheshire. This was a medium oak kitchen and had dated. It is of solid build and of good quality, but my clients knew they could get more out of it. So long as the kitchen painting is spot on and perfect, the change can be significant. That’s [read more]

Spray Painted Kitchen Units in Chorley

Spray Painted Kitchen Units Chorley. Here we have a kitchen in dire need of a facelift. Spray painted kitchen units Chorley. Before picture. One almost cannot imagine the change that can be affected with a professionally sprayed kitchen. As you can see, the kitchen looks so tired. The clients were fed up of the drab, [read more]

Hand Painted Kitchen Shaw

Hand Painted Kitchen Shaw and Crompton. Nicole from Shaw gave me a call and wanted her kitchen transformed. Hand Painted Kitchen Shaw and Crompton before it was painted. It was an oak kitchen which had gone orange over the years. A very common problem these days. It is popular to have block colour and avoid [read more]

Specialist Kitchen Painter Bury

specialist kitchen painter bury

  I am your kitchen painter specialist for Bury and surrounding areas and here is my latest blog. This kitchen was transformed from a dark wood finish to a beautiful light finish using Farrow and Ball Estate Eggshell. Specialist Kitchen Painter Bury before picture above. It was a delight to paint in a valley farmland [read more]