Spray Painted Kitchen Units Chorley.
Here we have a kitchen in dire need of a facelift.
Spray painted kitchen units Chorley. Before picture.
One almost cannot imagine the change that can be affected with a professionally sprayed kitchen.
As you can see, the kitchen looks so tired.
The clients were fed up of the drab, tired, pine effect.
This was dated and who would have this in their kitchen nowadays? As well as the orange discolouration,which is common with pine,it was time for a massive change.
The units and doors were in good solid condition. the client still liked the layout though.
Cost was not really an issue as they did not want the major upheval of a kitchen re-fit. the dust and muck greated in changing kitchens, the electrics, re-tiling, re-plastering, re-decoration, new worktops and so on adds to the list of extras required for a new kitchen.
So if the layout and style of the doors is OK with you then an extreme make over is warranted. Even if you do not like the style of doors and drawers,these can be changed.then the whole kitchen with the units,carcasses and end panels can be painted the same colour of the doors, drawers an plinths.
The project started with the removal of all the doors and drawers. these were taken to by workshop.
They were thoroughly cleaned of grease and contaminants prior to sanding.
After a good sanding, all the dust is vacuumed off and the surfaces are cleaned once again getting rid of any last traces of dust.
The surface is ready for the primer. it was mixed to the same colour of the top coats. This is always to both sides.
Then fine sanding, vaccuming and cleaning. It is imperative that there are no traces of dust on the surfaces or in the spraying environment.
The top coats are applied.Usually two,applying the same process as above.
The units are sprayed in the same way with masking applied to key areas.
What a change from something that looked hopeless!