Hand Painted Kitchen Shaw

Hand Painted Kitchen Shaw and Crompton.

Nicole from Shaw gave me a call and wanted her kitchen transformed.Hand Painted Kitchen in Shew abd Crompton

Hand Painted Kitchen Shaw and Crompton before it was painted.

It was an oak kitchen which had gone orange over the years. A very common problem these days.

It is popular to have block colour and avoid that 80s to 90s look.

After speaking with Nicole, my customer, over colour choices,I went over my procedure(which I love to boast about as I’m an anorak on painting finishes).

After having a good look at the kitchen from photos, I could give my client a spot on quotation.

All was agreed with a start date and I was looking forward to the transformation.

Hand Painted Kitchen to perfection!

One should always try to push ones  painting skills to the highest level possible and attempt to exceed all expectations.

It is the finish that counts!

After de -greasing the kitchen, I masked all the worktops and floor with lining paper.This stays put throughout the entire painting process. I do not use dust sheets as they kick up dust after having to be taken up at the end of each day, This,of course,effects the finish.

All doors,drawers and removable items are taken to my workshop while the client can still get along with using their kitchen without fuss.

Hand Painted Kitchen Shaw and Crompton

The doors and kitchen are primed with an un-chippable paint called Otex by Tilkkurila.

They are sanded down and given 3 top coats of Everal Aqua 10 which is a 10 percent sheen. A very stately finish I must say.

Hand painted kitchen Shaw and Crompton

The carcasses and side panels were given the same treatment as above and it was ready for the doors and drawers to be screwed back on.

As you can see the kitchen was completely transformed.

My client said it had made the space look much bigger which was so unexpected.

Nicole loved the outcome and left a  great review on Houzz for me too.

She even told me how she was still loving it two weeks later.The initial wow factor had not worn off and probably wasn’t going to any time soon.











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