Hand Painted Mark Wilkinson Kitchen Crewe.
This hand painted Mark Wilkinson Kitchen was in need of a slight repair before painting.
It was 12 years old and the clients still loved the colour.They did not want to change that.
They asked if it was possible to get an accurate colour match. I said there was no problem with that.
I allready had a vast array of colour swatches with me and did a colour match on the spot.
I had the primer colours here but wanted to verify the exact colour when i got back to the workshop once I had taken off all the doors and drawers.
I can then look at the colour changes in different light before making the final and crucial decision in choosing for this hand painted Mark Wilkinson kitchen here in Nantwich.
The points of damage were mainly around the drawers underneath the sink and the cabinet frame below it.
The kitchen had to be de-greased which is standard practice.
My go to de-greaser is Zep Citrus. This has proved to be more effective in making a squeeky clean surface, ready for priming.
After the cleaning stage is complete, all areas are abraded.
The primer is then applied. This is the colour of what will be the top coat shade. I use an adhesion primer,which guarantees against chippping.
I use the oil version of Otex high adhesion primer as it blocks any tannins as well as being able to adhere to ultra smooth surfaces such as glass. So your kitchen is in good hands on the prep stage right through to the top coats.
For the top coats I used Tikkurila Everal Aqua 10 for the 10% sheen level and high enamel durability.
I applied three coats, rubbing down between coats to get that perfect finish that you can see in these photos.
My clients also wanted the panelling and door frames painted which are an exact match to the kitchen too. This I did applying the same process as the kitchen.