I am your specialist kitchen painter Knutsford,Altrincham,Hale and Wilmslow.
In fact, any areas in the UK are covered, but these are the local ones.
Having a kitchen painter worth his salt pays massive dividends when your kitchen units are being painted.
The results are stunning.
So what does one expect with the finish of a hand painted kitchen done by a specialist?
Specialist kitchen painter Knutsford gives the searched for answer here.
There should be no obvious brush marks to the finish. It certainly should have no nibs or any sign of particles on the finished surface. It should also be incredibly durable and unchippable. There are no signs of paint on the handles, hinges,clips,magnets or any metallic door furniture.
As to the durability and chip resistant finish, i use Tikkurila products in the main.
For the primer coats, no matter what the surface Otex high adhesion primer is used..Whether it be a melamine finish or a raw brand new wooden kitchen, this oil based primer delivers. It can stick to any shiny surface which one would qualify as slippy, hard to deal with or unpaintable. This primer makes the unpaintable paintable!
The primer is mixed to the colour of the top coats so that when it is time to apply finishing layers of paint, it gives real boldness of colour.
The top coat or finishing coat i use is Tikkurila Helmi. This comes in a number of sheen levels. The most popular and aesthetic finish to my mind and as per survey is Helmi 10. This gives a very low sheen finish. it has a very light sheen when looking at it from an acute angle. It can look matt when looking at it straight ahead.It is very tough and durable and will withstand vigorous cleaning once it has cured. Curing time is one month. However the kitchen can be used straight away on completion. Curing means that the paint has reached its maximum hardness. This does not mean you must wait a month until you can use your kitchen! Helmi dries in about an hour so it is quite fast to get a kitchen up and running once completed.
I usually take all the doors and drawers off, including plinths and any removable items.These are then taken away to my workshop which also avoids disruption.This is then followed with the painting of the in situ areas. the counter tops and floor are masked and protected during the whole process.
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