Painted Neptune Kitchen Brereford


Here is an example of a transformed hand painted Neptune kitchen Brereford not far from Holmes Chapel.

Hand painted Neptune kitchen Brereford, before the re-paint.

This kitchen was painted a number of years ago and to be honest wasn,t that great as it had some imperfections which I do not feel is acceptable for a focal point of the home.

Hand painted kitchen Bereford close up of the finish.

Hand painted Neptune kitchen Brereford, after the new top coats.

I always strive for perfection. So this kitchen was going to have a transformation in quality as well as colour and finish.

Hand Painted Kitchen

The clients wanted the kitchen to be painted in Grey Moss by Little Greene.The client was already wise to Tikkurila paints and asked if she could get the colour matched accurately I gave a resounding Yes! Tikkurila have the best colour matching service I know.

Hand painted Neptune kitchen


Once the doors, drawers and plinths were removed, I took them to my workshop to be de-greased and abraded.


I also made new holes for the drawers and dishwasher door as they were to be fitted with the new cup handles.The old holes were filled with two pack filler and sanded down smooth.

I used Everal Aqua 10 for the finishing coats.

Now that the doors and drawers were ready. i applied the first coat of primer which was mixed to the Grey Moss colour. This was applied to both sides of the doors and drawers.

Hand Painted Neptune Kitchen

They then were given a rub down with fine finishing paper. also a vacuuming to give a perfectly clean and smooth finish to paint on.

Hand Painted Neptune kitchen Brereford

I then applied three coats of Tikkurila Everal Aqua10 . I love this finish as it is non-toxic and does not smell the house out. it is waterbased but is extremely durable as it is an enamel.My clients had children who were playing near the kitchen area once they got back from school, so it was nice and safe for them.

Hand Painted Neptune kitchen Brereford

Once the doors and drawers were painted I applied the same process to the in situ areas.

The kitchen was re-assembled and new knobs and handles fitted.

As always my clients were delighted.







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