Hand Painted Kitchen Macclesfield, Cheshire


Here is a hand painted kitchen in Macclesfield in Cheshire.

This hand painted kitchen was a bit ragged and needed a lift as you can see.

The client felt it was dated and wanted to lighten the space and liked the hand painted look. However, the format of the kitchen was just how they liked it and the kitchen was solid. The saving was going to be immense and they were going to have a brand new kitchen.

A low sheen finish is very popular.

The client wanted a classic low sheen look.

They were specified Tikkurila Helmi 10. This gives a traditional low sheen finish which is tough, wipeable and durable. It’s no wonder that the illustrious Mark Wilkinson kitchens are painted in this. It is quality.

As it was previously used for years  it needed a double de-grease. This ensures that the high actually sticks hard to the surface. This then guarantees that the succeeding top coats stick too and the kitchen will not chip when in heavy use.

I use Otex high adhesion primer from Tikkurila. It’s a whole system, in fact, from start to finish.

The primer is usually mixed to the same colour as the top coats too. This gives great colour build up which is solid.

Where there are glass units that are held in place with silicone, these are taken out. The silicone is removed and the doors primed and painted

In fact, everything that is on the kitchen that does not need painting is removed. These are the knobs, handles, hinges etc.

The doors are taken to my heated workshop where they are placed on racks, left to dry, turned over and the process repeated several times. They are rubbed down in between coats to ensure your kitchen is super smooth.

Three coats of Helmi 10 are applied to achieve a super solid finish with minimal to no brush Mark’s showing.

You would be hard pushed to find them

That’s the difference in selecting a professional specialist kitchen painter.



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