Spray Painted Furniture Chorley

Spray Painted Furniture Chorley.

Spray painted furniture

Spray Painted Furniture Chorley. Before photo above.

Here are 2 wardrobes, a headboard and side drawers set of furniture.

As you can see they had a dated look and needed to be re-modernised.

Spray painted furniture

If this was to be ripped out and replaced, which would have involved other costs.


Side view of the painted furniture.

If you are not prepared to replace the carpet, the wallpaper and decor after a re-fit, the expense is far greater than expected.

Spray painted furniture

In this instance,of course,there was no need for that.

The project started with the removal of all doors and drawers being taken to my workshop.

A good colour change.

They then get de-greased and sanded down to be able to take the primer.


The primer is an adhesion primer which guarantees the furniture from chipping in the future.

Spray Painted Furniture

This is mixed to the colour of the top coats to give a good solidity of colour once top coated.

The doors and drawers were spray primed on both sides twice and then rubbed down.

They were abraded using a 320 grade paper,

The doors are then given a vacuuming. Then a wipe with a damp micro fiber cloth to ensure all the dust is removed.

The furniture was then given two good heavy coats of top coat. In this case Tikkurila Helmi 30 was used.

Once dry the surface is super smooth and there is no sign of orange peeling the surface is totally smooth.

Then its a return to the property and a repeat of the process as above.

There is quite a bit of masking involved though. I had to use a very delicate wallpaper masking tape for the feature wall.

There is quite a minimum of over spray n the room as i use high transfer spray guns and equipment.

All edges are super sharp too.

Then I put it all back together, re- fit the handles, remove the masking and voila!

The clients were absolutely delighted with the result!























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