Tag Archives: kitchen painter knutsford

Specialist Kitchen Painter Knutsford

I am your specialist kitchen painter Knutsford,Altrincham,Hale and Wilmslow. In fact, any areas in the UK are covered, but these are the local ones. Having a kitchen painter worth his salt pays massive dividends when your kitchen units are being painted. The results are stunning. So what does one expect with the finish of a [read more]

Kitchen Painter Knutsford Cheshire

kitchen painter knutsford

Kitchen painter Knutsford, Cheshire. This kitchen was supplied by kitchen and furniture makers Pineworld in Northwich, Cheshire. Kitchen Painter Knutsford Cheshire before photo.   It was very knotty as you can see in the photo. However this was no concern as it was stain blocked twice with Zinsser BIN which is a shellac  stain blocker [read more]